How to run a frozen food storage warehouse


Using frozen food storage warehouses to preserve food, agricultural products, aquatic products, or vegetables showed its advantages by applying proper conditions to remain quality. Frozen food storage warehouses need to be built with specific technical requirements.  

1. Features of frozen food storage warehouses 

  • Frozen food storage warehouses are often built-to-suit warehouse models,  depending on specific customers' requirements.
  • The temperature ranges inside a frozen food storage warehouse are from -20 to -18 degrees Celsius; humidity is low. It also is equipped with an air filter system that controls air quality providing ideal conditions for preserving meat, fish, and vegetables.
  • Cold storage might be divided into many zones, suitable for different food groups, improving preservation and storage efficiency.
  • Typical cold storage is covered by 100-250mm thick insulation, and panels are machined hermetically, ensuring thermal insulation.
  • Retaining high nutritional content: After being processed and packaged, food will be transferred to cold storage. Here, the temperature is adjusted appropriately for a few hours to minimize nutrient loss. Foods can be stored in large quantities preserved for a long time without losing nutrition.
  • Avoiding metamorphosis causing food poison: Preserving by cold storage is a secure process, so food safety is ensured. Inside a frozen food storage warehouse, the temperature is maintained at a low level, thus limiting the growth of bacteria causing food damage. This creates guaranteed food quality and safety.
  • More convenient for consumers: Usually, food is preliminarily processed before being put into a frozen storage warehouse. So you need to defrost food before cooking without cleaning or preprocessing.
  • Lengthening the food usage: Cold storage can preserve food year-round according to demand, even in the off-season. In addition, the taste is more delicious than off-season food because it is left to ripen naturally before being frozen.

2. Some tips for food frozen storage warehouse using

The cold storage environment needs to meet the preservation standards of stable temperature and humidity, inhibiting the activity of bacteria causing food spoilage. Storing food in frozen storage is essential, significantly affecting food quality and safety. Hereby are some tips that you should notice in running frozen food storage: 

  • Goods should be sorted before storing. For example, fresh meat should be arranged separately from long-term frozen protein. Also, all foods need to be packaged in packages, clearly classified to preserve and avoid bacterial cross-contamination.
  • Frozen food storage warehouse needs to be cleaned periodically following regulations. Gas pipelines stagnant water caused by ice and snow must be regularly defrosted. Good air convection will help to avoid harmful gas accumulation.

3. How to classify food before storing 

Frozen food storage warehouses could be divided into the following categories:

  • Cold storage for meats: meats are usually stored at temperatures below -18 degrees Celsius. Properly stored meat can keep its quality for 12 months or even longer.
  • Cold storage for seafood: the appropriate temperature for storing seafood is -25 degrees Celsius to -18 degrees Celsius. This temperature range will contribute to slowing the decay of bacteria and reducing the growth of bacteria intrusion.
  • Cold storage for agricultural products, vegetables, and fruits: after harvesting, agricultural products such as vegetables, tubers, and fruits continue to metabolize and ripen or turn yellow. Therefore, storage must maintain a temperature between 0 and 15 degrees Celsius and humidity ranges from 85-95% to avoid damage.

If you have more questions about frozen food storage warehouse, don't hesitate to send us faster support at 19003133 or

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