Vietnam transport sees steep growth in July


Vietnam’s transport volume in July witnessed a spectacular growth momentum; in which, freight transport increased by nearly 80% over the same period, passenger transport increased by nearly 300%. Many fields recorded a sudden increase such as air transport, railway, sea transportation...

In the July briefing of Vietnam Ministry of Transport (MOT), the representative of MOT affirmed that one of the "bright spots" of the transport industry in the first 7 months of the year was the rapid recovery of transport output.

According to statistics, in the 7 months of 2022, freight transport reached 1.129 million tons, increase 16.1% over the same period last year. Cumulative freight circulation is estimated at 240 billion, nearly 23% growth. Among means of transport, air transport increased by 8.6%, road 16.2%, waterway 14.1%, sea by 23.3% and railway by 4.7%.

In July, freight transport was estimated at more than 172 million tons, up 79% over the same period last year. Cargo rotation is estimated at 38 billion, equals to 64.3%. 

Notably, passenger transport in July more than 368 million passengers, grow 288.1%. Accumulation of 7 months is estimated at 2,248 million visitors, up 20.5%.

Comparing the same period last year, air transport increased by 98.5%, sea by 42.8%, railway by 99.7%, road by 19.2% and waterway by 28%.

Passenger rotation approximately around 19.2 million, increase 487% from the last year, accumulated in 7 months is approx. at 107.1 billion, 37.1% grows.

However, soaring fuel prices caused burdens on operating costs for transport businesses, thereby putting pressure on increasing freight charges, the Minister of Transport requested the Department of Maritime Administration to strengthen fee management and proposes plans for Vietnamese seaports, in order to reduce fees, manage prices, achieving the goal of reducing logistics costs for Vietnamese goods.

Recently, MOT has sent recommendations to Vietnam Ministry of Finance (MOF) to consider and adjust the collection of fees and charges in transportation sector, solving difficulties for enterprises in the industry.

Accordingly, in the maritime sector, MOT proposes to reduce fees and charges for domestic maritime activities such as 20% of tonnage fees of ships and boats; 20% reduction in maritime security fees; 20% reduction of fees for entering and leaving seaports. 

Besides, in the road sector, reducing 30% of the road use fee for passenger transport, 10% reduction in the road use fee for goods transport. The proposed period for road and maritime fee reduction lasts to the end of 2022.

In other fields such as aviation, inland waterways and railways, it is also proposed to exempt or reduce some fees and charges in current regulations...


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