The leading of air cargo service provider of Vietnam


Up until now, the trend of using air cargo to transport all kinds of industrial goods from raw materials to components of assembled equipment to finished products is rising. The reason for such movement is due to the reliability of the airline and the unify standards of air cargo service of many companies around the world.

ALS in Vietnam

What about air cargo services in Vietnam? What types of services are available in this market and who is the leading company in terms of experience, handling capacity and wide aviation logistics network in Vietnam? Let's find out in this article.

#1. The leading unit of air cargo services in Vietnam

Air cargo service in Vietnam is a specific field and required to satisfy many international standards in terms of facilities, personnel qualifications as well as capacity both domestically and globally. In fact, ALS is a pioneer in Vietnam in providing air cargo services to many major domestic and foreign partners, which developed a wide range of services revolving around the core element of ensuring the smooth flow of goods in the supply chain.

Here are a few polarize figures that show the capacity of ALS to provide air cargo services:

- Established in 2007, after 15 years of development, ALS has become the leading air cargo service provider in Vietnam today.

- ALS currently owned 9 subsidiaries and branches and focused on logistics services in general and air cargo in particular.

- Output serving air cargo each year: >500 thousand tons

- Warehouse area: 83 000 m2 with more than 300 thousand pallets stored in 9 different processing centers in 9 specialized warehouse types.

#2. Air cargo services provided by ALS

ALS possesses a firm foundation of a complete infrastructure and edges of applying technology in air cargo handling, ALS always aims to provide high quality, fast and smooth aviation services to customers. For domestic and international customers, the services provided by ALS includes:

- ALS Air Cargo Terminal: Located at Noi Bai International Airport, situated on connective road, high accessibility and  conveniently distributing to northern provinces of Vietnam, maximum capacity the air cargo terminal ALS is currently handling 40% of cargo traffic of international airlines and can be up to 700 thousand tons in 2021 – 2025 period.

- Off-airport cargo terminal: This is a new and first model in Vietnam that a logistics unit provides to customers. This model brings many advantages of the aviation cargo terminal with sufficient functions to minimize delays of goods handling and avoid congestion flow at airports for businesses.

- Warehousing services: Distributed in the northern provinces of Vietnam, with the total area up to 1 million m2, can be used in various types of storage such as:

o Bonded warehouse: Support import/export of goods awaiting customs clearance from domestic units to export abroad or vice versa. ALS bonded warehouse is located near major industrial zones in the North and is directly supported by the local customs departments.

o Standard/public warehouse: Distributed at important trade hubs, ALS standard warehouse is the suitable choice for distribution model from businesses with diverse services and large storage capacity with over 60 000 m2.

o Cold storage /cool storage: As one of the most advanced temperature-based storage systems in Vietnam, the storage area is >5000 m2, supporting storage temperature range from (-20) to 20 degrees Celsius , humidity at +/-50%.

o Transport services: Large fleet of over 300 vehicles, supporting diverse transport capacity from 1.25 to 15 tons and types from cold or standard transport.

o Other services: International express handling customs service center, IATA-certified training center and other value-added services.

#3. ALS main advantages as the leading of air cargo service of Vietnam 

- Reliable: As a unit specializing in providing air cargo services in Vietnam for major partners such as: UPS, DHL, Yusen logistics, DB Schenker,… ALS affirms its leading position in ensuring smooth and resilient air cargo flow.

- Speed: Well-trained personnel combined with technological improvements, goods passing through ALS's services are processed quickly and accurately.

- Efficiency: The goal of ALS is to bring high quality aviation logistics services to customers, with optimal prices, towards long-term cooperation and development.

- Relationship network in the supply chain: With extensive connections with airlines, large manufacturing units and forwarders both domestically and internationally, ALS can support customers with new solutions.

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