Nikkei Asia: Vietnam ranked 2nd in post-pandemic recovery


(HQ Online) - According to the latest ranking of Nikkei Asia (financial magazine of Nikkei group - the most prestigious media group in Japan), Vietnam is ranked 2nd in post-pandemic recovery of the world.


Specifically, GDP in the third quarter increased sharply, reaching 13,67%, contributing to the growth in the first 9 months of the year to 8,83% (the highest since 2011). There are 10 localities which GRDP in the first 9 months of 2022 increased by over 11%. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi also achieved high growth rates, at 9,97% and 9,69% respectively.

According to chairman of the Government Office Tran Van Son, economic growth in all three areas, such as agriculture, forestry and fishery, increased by 2,99%; industry and construction increased by 9,63%; service sector recovered strongly with the increment of 10,57%.

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International organizations have all positively assessed Vietnam's socio-economic situation and optimistic forecasts about our country's economic growth rate in 2022 and 2023 are among the highest in Southeast Asia (Moody's, The WB, IMF, and ADB forecast Vietnam's GDP growth in 2022 at 8,5%, 7,2%, 7%, and 6,5 percent, respectively. Moody's upgraded Vietnam's long-term national credit rating from Ba3 to Ba2 with stable outlook. Nikkei Asia ranked Vietnam in second place among top country with highest post-pandemic recovery index.

However, the Government spokesman said that Government members all assessed that besides the achieved results, our country still has many difficulties and challenges. In which, the emerging issues are stabilizing the macro-economy, controlling inflation, and ensuring large balances with potential risks. The implementation of national target programs, disbursement of public investment capital is still slow; Production and business activities still face many difficulties due to the high price of raw materials, input materials, high production costs, etc.

Mr. Pham Minh Chinh, Vietnamese Prime Minister stated clearly not to be negligent and subjective; We should not revel in what we have achieved because in front of us there are still many difficulties and challenges to deal with.

Therefore, the Prime Minister requested ministries and localities to make efforts to overcome difficulties and overcome challenges; continue to implement drastically, synchronously and effectively the resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government, and the direction of the Prime Minister; at the same time, closely follow the actual situation, have flexible, appropriate, creative and effective solutions.


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