Bonded warehouse and logistics service provider in Vietnam


Nowadays, many warehouse models were born to adapt to the revolution in logistics and supply chains. However, bonded warehouses keep their importance in import cargo flow internationally and nationally. 

1. What is a bonded warehouse and its role in logistics 

A bonded warehouse plays an essential role in the supply chain, especially for companies, import-export enterprises, or manufacturing factories, because of their superior advantages compared to traditional warehouses.

A bonded warehouse is an independent warehouse accompanied by a yard, separated from surrounding areas to store goods and perform several services for incoming goods from abroad or versa. Bonded warehouse services will be implemented under mutual agreement between the goods owner and the warehouse owner. 

2. Regulations to run a bonded warehouse in Vietnam and its pros. 

Bonded warehouses must follow particular government customs regulations; goods sent in can be waiting to be brought for domestic use or transferred from Vietnam to other countries.

Located in prime locations, with favorable conditions for goods moving, bonded warehouses also help businesses store goods without paying import tax. In addition, the maximum storing goods time inside a bonded warehouse is up to 2 years, which is convenient for stocking materials and commodities to cope with the market demands occasionally.  

3. Services in a bonded warehouse

At the bonded warehouse, services such as reinforcement, sorting, packaging, classification, consolidation,  goods maintenance, samples extraction to carry out customs procedures, goods ownership transference, etc., are also fully provided in the most convenient way to maximize efficiency. 

As one of the leading enterprises in logistics, ALS cares about customers' needs. With bonded warehouse systems designed to meet the standards suitable for the import-export needs of FDIs.

4. ALS bonded warehouse network 

ALS bonded warehouses are equipped with a security management system: 24/24 surveillance cameras covering the whole area and data connection directly with the customs authority. We ensure the best service performance of specialized operations and meet the authorial requirements of regular inspection and supervision. 

The fact shows that modern bonded warehouses' demands from foreign customers in Vietnam are great. The operation of bonded warehouses in Industrial zones in the Northern regions affirms ALS's steady progress in providing high-quality services. Also, it contributes to improving the efficiency of logistics activities, attracting more FDI into Vietnam.

Besides the bonded warehouse, ALS provides comprehensive services for the supply chain, including Customs declaration customs clearance, multimodal transport (inland, cross-border, sea, air, etc.) ), and cargo handling services at the airport and off-airport cargo terminal services, etc. 

With many years of experience, ALS is confident to be a bonded warehouse and logistics service provider in Vietnam. We will be your local trusted logistics partner for corporations and businesses to create optimal values, contributing to connecting and promoting international trade relations globally. 

For support about Bonded Warehouse and other Logistics services in Vietnam, don't hesitate to reach us at hotline 19003133 or email

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