Bac Giang approved Long Xa logistics port project


Long Xa logistics port including: inland waterways port, inland container depot, combined services, logistics and technological advance infrastructure.

Detailed plans will centralized in establishing: combined import/export wharfs, warehouses, CFS, cold chains,…

Img: Internet

Bac Giang people’s committee has approved detailed project for constructing Long Xa logistics port in the scale of 1/500.

The estimated areas for the project are 80 hectares located in Yen Lu commune (Yen Dung district), which bordered with: Cau river’s west dyke (in the North), Cau river (South), Cau river’s plain and North Yen Tap pump station (East) and Thach Xa village, Yen Lu commune (West)

The main sections of Long Xa logistics port for construction included combined export/import wharf, warehouses, CFS zone, cold chains and administrative offices, pre-port services, anchorages and turning basin, connecting national inland waterways, infrastructure,…

In addition to Long Xa logistics port project, since March, Bac Giang also approved for Ninh Son logistics park (77 hectares) and Inland waterways port in Yen Sơn commune (110 hectares).

Source: Internet

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