Announcement Warehouse Tariff 06/BG/010823


Dear Our Valued Customer,

  • Pursuant tothe Circular No.36/2015/TT-BGTVT dated 24th July 2015 of Minister of Transportation on Price management of Domestic aviation transport and aviation services, modified by the Circular No.06/2022/TT-BGTVT dated 27th May 2022 of Minister of Transportation
  • Pursuant to the Charter of ALS Cargo Terminal Joint Stock Company
  • Pursuant tothe Decision No 08.23/QD-ALSC dated 22 Jun 2023 on the approval of Tariff 06/BG/010823 signed by Director of ALSC.

From the 1st Aug 2023, the new Tariff 06/BG/010823 of ALS Cargo Terminal Joint Stock (ALSC) shall replace the current Tariff 05/BG/010522 and all related appendix to specify:

1. Contentof modification: Adjustment on the tariff principle and addition of new service. Detail tariff 06/BG/010823 is attached for your reference.

Warehouse tariff 06/BG/010823

2. Principles of application: The principles to be applied for shipment before and after the effective date of new Tariff 06/BG/010823 is specified as follows:

2.1 Facilities Charges:

Shipment which finished documentation and accepted (for Export) or delivered (for Import) before 00h00 of 1st Aug 2023 shall apply old tariff 05/BG/010522. After 00h00 1st Aug 2023 all Tariff and Policy shall be applied accordingto the new tariff 06/BG/010823.

2.2 StorageCharges:

Shipments which are stored for the period before and after the effective date of new tariff 06/BG/010823 shall be charged based on the actual storage time and the respective tariff.

For any issues onthenew tariff or the aboveinformation, please kindly contactourBusiness department via the below address:

Email: Hotline:090.177.3775 ALSC looks forward to your cooperation as always.

With kind regards!

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