1. Issuing on the synchronous development of logistics services resolution
Vietnam government issued Resolution No. 163/NQ-CP on promoting synchronous implementation of key tasks and solutions to improve competitiveness and develop Vietnam's logistics services.
The resolution affirms that logistics is an important service industry in the overall structure of the national economy, playing a role in supporting, connecting and promoting socio-economic development of the whole country as well as each locality, improving the competitiveness of the economy. Logistics services will also be developed into a service industry that brings high added value, and associated with the development of goods production, import-export and domestic trade, development of transportation infrastructure and information technology.
2. Officially assign the Ministry of Industry and Trade to perform the function of state management of logistics services
In Decree No. 96/2022/ND-CP dated November 29, 2022 on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), the Government has officially assigned the MOIT to implement the function of state management of logistics services.
In addition to clearly and unifying regulations on a common focal point for logistics services, this once again affirms the position of logistics as an indispensable role in national’s socio-economic.
3. Launching the project to build provincial Logistics Competitiveness Index (LCI)
The Kick-off Ceremony of the Vietnam Provincial Logistics Competitiveness Index (LCI) Project 2022, jointly organized by the Vietnam Logistics Association (VLA) and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) held on August 11, 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City.
LCI measures and evaluates the development speed, quality, infrastructure and policies of the governments of provinces and cities in Vietnam regarding the logistics industry.
The index will provide an overall landscape of the logistics service industry at Vietnam's localities, which will help in planning policies to develop this industry of the country locally. Thereby, the impact of reducing logistics costs and supportive role in the development of export production, and attracting foreign investment.
4. Vietnam will be the host of FIATA 2025
The Congress of the Federation of International Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) meeting in Busan (Korea) on September 15-16, 2022 has agreed to choose Vietnam as the host country for the 2025 FIATA Congress.
This is a great honor for Vietnam's logistics service industry and also an opportunity to show Vietnam's position on the world logistics map. With a variety of agendas and exhibitions, the annual FIATA congress attracts about 3.000 delegates, including international logistics representatives, FIATA’s members, businesses in Global forwarding, transportation and logistics services.
5. Promote green energy transformation, reduce emissions in transportation
According to Decision No. 876/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister in promulgating the Action program for green energy transformation, reducing carbon and methane emissions in transportation by 2050. , the transportation industry will focus on the transition to green energy to zero emissions by 2050, in which energy transition is considered an opportunity for the transport industry to develop sustainably, catch up with the trend advanced development and global development. Accordingly, vehicles running on diesel fuel will gradually be replaced by electricity or green energy by 2050.
6. Vietnam Logistics Forum 2022
Vietnam Logistics Forum 2022 was held from November 25th to 26th , 2022 with the theme "Green Logistics", by Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Head of the Central Economic Commission and Mr. Nguyen Hong Dien, Minister of MOIT. This is the 10th forum held with the participation of a large number of delegates from authorities, associations and businesses.
In addition to the Plenary Session, the Forum also includes fieldwork activities in Nam Dinh Vu Industrial Park, seminars. Activities to exchange and connect on the sidelines of the Forum in order to help businesses to expand relationships and opportunities.
7. Exemption and reduction of seaport infrastructure fees in Ho Chi Minh City and Hai Phong
On August 1st, 2022, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) will reduce the fee by 50% for temporarily imported for re-export goods, temporarily exported for re-import goods, stored goods in bonded warehouses, transit, transshipment, exports and imports are transported into and out of the port by inland waterways.
The same listed goods to be exempted fees in Vietnam and Cambodia trade agreement about inland waterway.
In addition, the fee for import and export goods that are declared in Ho Chi Minh City or outside the city is adjusted to the same rate.
Hai Phong city also decided to reduce by 50% the toll rate for the goods of the tollpayers when entering and leaving the port by inland waterway vessels operating on Haiphong area.
8. Establishment of Hanoi Logistics Association
Hanoi Logistics Association held its founding congress on November 12th 2022. As a major economic center of the country, logistics service activities of Hanoi in recent years have developed progressively that attracted a large number of businesses.
Following Binh Duong, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, and Hanoi is the fourth localities to have local logistics associations.
9. Mekong river delta’s completing agricultural logistics service chain forum
The Mekong Delta is currently the largest producer and exporter of agricultural products, seafood and fruits in the country, contributing more than 90% of rice production, 65% of aquatic products and 70% of exported fruit.
It’s important to build and develop supply chains and logistics services in the Mekong Delta for global economic integration, in order to connect the transportation of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption with lower cost.
10.The total volume of goods through Vietnam's seaports reached a record level
The total volume of goods through Vietnam's seaports in 2022 reached a record of 733 million tons, up 4%, ensuring the circulation of goods on the domestic market and import - export activities.
Source: https://moit.gov.vn/tin-tuc/thong-bao/10-su-kien-logistics-nam-2022.html