97% of cargoes in Noi Bai International Airport are auto-supervised


VASSCM has brought great efficiency with more than 97% of cargoes being automatically monitored at Noi Bai International Airport.

*Note:  - NSW (Vietnam National Single Window)

               - VASSCM (Vietnam Auto-Supervised System of Cargo Management)

According to the Noi Bai International Airport Border Gate Customs Branch, 100% of airlines had declared information sent to NSW, the system has provided sufficient information about the status to the customs declarant. After more than 2 years of official implementation, NSW system has received up to 99,57% of customs records for importing/exporting cargoes. The getin rate of ALSC warehouses reached 97,1%, ACSV warehouse 98,66%, NCTS warehouse 97,55%;

Besides, the Customs Branch of Noi Bai International Airport said that VASSCM has brought great efficiency with more than 97% of cargoes being automatically monitored at Noi Bai International Airport.

Through the connection and exchange of information with airport and warehouse businesses, the VASSCM system not only helps the Customs authorities to promptly grasp the time, quantity and location of the shipment that enters, storing and disembarking at the airport terminals. Information about overdue consignments for customs clearance through the system to make appropriate handling decisions. The system also brings practical benefits to the business community and relevant agencies.

However, according to the Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch, these two systems still have some limitations and problems, which have been reported and to be processed.

Source: https://haiquanonline.com.vn/97-hang-hoa-qua-cang-hang-khong-quoc-te-noi-bai-duoc-giam-sat-tu-dong-175158.html

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